
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how we process the personal information we collect from you when you use our website.

CFB Group bv, in its capacity as managing director of Functional Home Training, is the data controller, i.e. the entity that determines the purposes and means of processing the personal information we process about you.

1. When this Privacy Policy applies

The following services are subject to this Privacy Policy:

  • Account for the website https://functionalhometraining.com.
  • All other Functional Home Training services to which this Privacy Policy is added.

2. Information we collect and what we use it for

We collect your personal information when you register as a member of Functional Home Training.

Upon signing up, you will be asked for various personal details required to create your account and provide our services. Some of these fields are marked as mandatory. If you do not provide the information marked as mandatory, we may not be able to provide you with the services. Additional personal details may be voluntarily provided by you, enabling us to provide all the features for the services that are fully tailored to you.

You can completely delete your account and all related data. Log in and go to your Profile screen. Go to Account Settings and click on “Delete Account”. Attention: this action is irreversible and will erase all your data.

2.1 Personal information

This is information that you provide to us that personally identifies you, such as your name, email address, date of birth, language or country. Your personal details are processed for the following purposes:

  • To verify your identity and to support user identification:
    • For example, your email address is used to confirm your membership application.
  • Determining the most suitable services for you:
    • We use your date of birth and your gender to better tailor our services to your needs and to be able to serve you with tailor-made programs. This information is not mandatory and can be optionally provided.
    • Optionally, you can enter your language and country of residence. We only use this data to check whether we can better tailor future services to the needs of our members.
  • Sending important notifications:
    • We will also notify you about changes to our terms, conditions and policies.
2.2 Information about your activities

This involves recording information about your actions (repeat visits to a site, interactions, keywords, online content production, etc.) when you view and use our services so that we can build a user profile over time. It also includes information about the devices and methods you use to communicate with us and the content.

We record information about your operating system and internet browser when you subscribe, including information that is automatically recorded when you use our services (for example, requested information, time stamp, IP address). When required by law, we will ask for your consent before data is accessed, or (temporarily) stored on your device, after we provide you with clear and understandable information about the purposes of processing your personal information.

We process information about your behavior, device and interactions for the following purposes:

  • Providing you with marketing communications, for example, more relevant articles and offers, and the latest news about products, services and events that we think may be of interest to you:
    • For example, by following a link to an article from a marketing email, or by following us on social media.
    • By understanding how and where you communicate with us, we can provide you with more personal and useful information through your preferred communication channels.
  • Protecting Our Users and Functional Home Training:
    • We may monitor unusual or suspicious activity on our services (such as automated abuse) so that we can address it quickly and notify you of potentially fraudulent activity affecting your account.
    • We may also use your personal information for internal audits to comply with applicable legal requirements.
2.3 Information we receive from third parties

When logging into social networks, we collect basic profile information from the provider of your chosen social identity for the following purposes:

  • To verify your identity and to support user identification:
    • When you sign up to our services through a social media site, we receive basic profile information such as your name, age range and the country where you are located.
  • Providing, developing, maintaining, protecting and improving products and services.
2.4 Settings and preferences

For certain services you can specify your personal preferences (for example your preferred language). Users can also specify their privacy preferences regarding things like receiving marketing messages.

  • We use this information to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our services.
    • Knowing your language allows us to display our services in your language.
2.5 Payment information

We do not process or store any bank or credit / debit card information that you use to purchase goods and subscriptions. Payments are completed through third party payment platforms. Your bank details are not shared with Functional Home Training.

3. Legal basis for using your personal information

Functional Home Training only processes your personal information where we have a legal basis to do so.

The legal basis depends on the purposes for which we collected and use your personal information. In almost any case, the legal basis is one of the following:

  • Performance of a contract with you: where you have ordered or requested products or services from us and we need to use your contact details and payment information to process your order and provide the products or services to you.
  • Consent: For example, where you have indicated that you want to receive marketing and offers from us, or where you have voluntarily provided information to us to enter a competition. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Compliance with Laws: Where Functional Home Training is subject to a legal obligation and must use your personal information to comply with that obligation.
3.1 Our Legitimate Interests

The legitimate business interests of Functional Home Training referenced above include: where it is necessary for Functional Home Training to understand our customers in sufficient detail so that we can develop and publish new products and services and provide a better experience for our customers. For example, we perform analytics on this legal basis because they are necessary to provide you with a tailored experience and to improve, maintain and manage our products and services in a way that meets your expectations as a customer.

4. How we share your information

Except as stated in this policy or where you have given your consent, the personal information you share with us when you use our services will not be shared with or disclosed to any other person or company, for their own use, other than companies in the CFB Group bv.

For example, we may disclose your personal information to the following third parties for the purposes described here:

  • Vendors or other subcontractors with whom we have a business relationship and who provide products and services to us so that we can provide our services to you;
  • Third party service providers who conduct marketing campaigns or customer surveys on our behalf;
  • Payment processors, credit reference agencies and anti-fraud screening services to process payments and perform fraud screening (where necessary);
  • With our professional and legal advisers for the purposes of obtaining commercial, financial or legal advice;
  • In the event that we sell a business asset, personal information may be disclosed to a potential buyer. In these circumstances, we make reasonable efforts to ensure that the buyer is bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy;
  • In exceptional circumstances, personal information may be shared with third parties, such as the police and regulatory authorities, to protect our rights, property or the safety of our customers, employees and resources;

Your personal information can be shared by and between companies in the CFB Group bv.

5. How we keep your information secure

Your personal information is kept on secure servers and is not processed for any other purposes than those set out in this Privacy Policy. The servers that Functional Home Training uses to store this information are only accessible to authorized employees and Functional Home Training guarantees that adequate security measures are in place.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you believe that the security of an account you have with us is at risk), please notify us immediately of the issue by contacting us via our contact page.

We use vendors and service providers located all over the world. As a result, your personal information may be processed in countries outside of your country of residence, including if you reside in the European Economic Area, and such countries may include countries with fewer legal rights over your personal information than you have under local law. If we transfer personal information to a country that offers a lower standard of legal protection for your personal information, we will ensure that your privacy rights are adequately protected with appropriate security measures, for example by using standard European contractual clauses when your personal information is transferred from the European Economic Area to beyond.

6. Information about cookies

6.1 What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit certain web pages. Functional Home Training uses cookies on its website to collect information about your interests and to recognize you when you visit our site again.

The cookies used do not damage your computer. Functional Home Training does not store any personally identifiable information (such as credit card details) in the cookies used, but instead uses encrypted information from cookies to improve your experience of the website. For example, they can help them to detect and fix errors or to show related products and services when you view the Functional Home Training.

Functional Home Training can only offer certain personal functionalities on https://Functionalhometraining.com by using cookies. In order to take full advantage of this content and personalized functions on this website, your computer, tablet or mobile phone will therefore have to accept cookies (this is often already set by default).

6.2 Change or disable your cookie settings

These cookies do not store confidential information such as your name, address or payment details. If you want to restrict, block or delete cookies from https://Functionalhometraining.com or any other website, you can do this through your browser. Because the procedure varies from browser to browser, it is best to consult your browser’s “Help” menu (or the user manual of your mobile phone) for information on how to change your cookie preferences.

6.3 Tools for sharing Functionalhometraining.com content

If you share content from Functionalhometraining.com with friends via social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram, cookies may be sent from these websites to your browser. Functional Home Training has no control over the placement of third-party cookies. Functional Home Training therefore recommends that you consult the relevant external websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.

6.4 Links from Functionalhometraining.com to third party websites

Functional Home Training is not responsible for the cookies used on third party websites that are accessible through a link from Functionalhometraining.com.

6.5 Third party cookies

When you visit functionalhometraining.com website, you may receive advertising cookies from third parties. You may also receive cookies from websites that contain embedded content (e.g. YouTube). Functional Home Training has no control over the placement of these cookies. Functional Home Training therefore recommends that you consult the websites of the relevant third parties for more information about their cookies and how you can manage them.

6.6 More information about cookies

For more information about cookies in general and how to manage them, please visit www.aboutcookies.org. Note: Functional Home Training is not responsible for the content of external websites.

7. Contact Functional Home Training

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact Functional Home Training via our contact page.


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