Lesson 2, Topic 6
In Progress

Plank test

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0% Complete

You’ve almost certainly heard of trunk stability. This is the strength and function of the deep stabilizing muscles to keep your torso stable.

With the “plank” test you can easily test your trunk stability.

How do you perform the plank test?

  • Lie on your belly with your arms bent and the elbows directly under your shoulders on the floor.
  • Your forearms are on the floor and your fists are pointed forward.
  • Push your body up and tense your core muscles. These are all the muscles in your belly, thighs, lower back and your buttocks.
  • Stretch your body. Your head, neck, back and legs should form a straight line like a plank.
  • Hold this position for as long as possible.

How long could you stay in the plank?

Plank test results

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